What a sad way to start this blog but a important one I do feel. On July 26, 2009 I lost a beloved older brother to a tragic roll-over car accident in Yuma,Arizona. My brother has been such an important part of my life these past 20 years and it is amazing to see how much God is working in this situation. David Joshua Riley was always a strong protector and loyal friend to everyone he encountered. He never saw the bad in anyone and always was for the underdog. He had a great sense of humor and a big cheesy grin that could make anyone's heart melt. He always told me how proud he was of me and I plan on taking that with me now to Europe and to everywhere I go. I will continue to strive to make him proud. Something that is funny about this situation is David always was competitive and had to be first. Now he is first in the most wonderful place in the presence of the King of Kings. I am so jealous but so stoked and proud of the person he was and the many lives he has touched which his amazing spirit. We were lucky to be so close as a family and were blessed to have spent a wonderful week together just last week in our most favorite place in the entire world, Yosemite National Park. It was here where right before we left that David attended a church service with my mom and dad and heard the song, "it is well with my soul". David proceeded to sing that song all day long with his amazing (cough) :) deep and joyful singing voice. We believe this was a gift from God and this song will forever continue to bless our lives. I am going to miss my big brother with my whole heart but I know without a doubt he is looking out for me and my brother Dan and my wonderful parents as well as the oodles and oodles of friends and extended family that have been touched by his life. I'll make you proud bubba.