My past few weeks..
more later I promise!
Momma came to visit!!
I went to Aix and Marseille with gabby, anne, meg and scott!
I have been trying to acclimate to life in Paris which is hard but cool and exciting and new!
"If you love until it hurts then there will be no more hurt, only more love." -Mother Teresa
Ok guys! Sorry I have not been able to bring myself to sitting down and compiling my thoughts and activities for the last couple of weeks. Rome was pretty fun. I am not going to lie the first couple days I was pretty homesick and I think it was largely attributed to feeling so at home in Italy and the last time I was there I was with my whole family so it was little hard but still fun! Some highlights from Rome included but were not limited to: Colesseum (night and day time!), Saint Peter’s Basilica, Sistine Chapel, reading Paul’s letter to the Romans in the roman forum, The Trevi fountain (at night and day! But especially at night! Sooo fun), watching movies at night and listening to the rain and thunder, good Asian food across the street, Papa Germano our hotel’s owner, GELATO, wonderful parks with grass! the Spanish steps, beautiful church’s and paintings, and singing to some sweet tunes being jammed on the guitar by some wonderful friends! Rome was great but I was so stoked on leaving to experience something new and fresh.. VIENNA. Apparently the place we were suppose to stay originally like months ago couldn’t take us so we got to stay in this beyond amazing place that was outside the main city next to this huge beautiful green park. Vienna was actually breezy and it felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the humidity and hotness of Italy. I think it may be my new favorite place besides Cinqueterre so far! We got to see the Venus of Willendorf, which is the first piece of art like ever! A bunch of us went to the amazing 8 story modern art museum and got to explore and absorb for hours and it was beautiful. Vienna also held long afternoons of writing and Frisbee and nights of good talks and music and friends marathons! Vienna was just such a nice change and things really seemed to calm down and relax a bit which was nice. Instead of traveling on our long weekend everyone just relaxed and did their own thing and it was perfect. So after a long overnight train we get to Paris and it has been really fun so far. We are staying in a place called FIAP Jean Monet and it has felt so good to be able to unpack and make myself at home a little bit. We have started painted and drawing with a lady named Cathy at her art studio and it has been amazing. Our first day of drawing we got to work with a nude model named Stephanie and work with gesture and contour. It was really interesting and effective in our quest to learn how to make beautiful forms. We have this amazing park down the street and I fully intend on using it quite often for walking and Frisbee and good talks and I am so excited! This past weekend we went to this all night art festival-like thing across Paris called Nuit Blanche. We got to see some amazing pieces and got to hang out and be immersed in Parisian culture until like 5:30am. It was pretty amazing but not everything I expected it to be. On Sunday we went to an English speaking church in this really nice part of town and got to eat dinner with and meet a whole bunch of amazing people. I am really excited to hang out with them again and build connections and relationships with people around the world. The next day we got our Lourve year passes (yes a whole year!) and we made another Canadian friend in Starbucks. People traveling are so friendly! At the FIAP we have been exploring and resting and everyone is getting sick! Hopefully the slower pace of classes and life now will allow all of us to sit back and get better. Hope everything is well back home or wherever you are and know I miss you and love you all!