While looking for a lost puppy me and gabby stumbled upon this treasure.
A pretty wind-chime welcomed us
We were so hopeful to go inside, but alas we got there right after they closed
2nd day in a row biking! This time we went from OB to PB and back and we didn't need a ride! :)
the trusty steed.
Lunch in Ob before the great ride
the best part of the meal.
dad gave me the red one after much persuading..
he is so jovial. :)
Today I woke up and went to Starbucks with Erin and my mom, it was so nice to just sit outside and enjoy some coffee with some beautiful ladies. A little but later we loaded my bike in the car and me and my mom and dad and my brother Danny went to lunch in OB where we met up with miss Gabriella. We enjoyed a nice lunch together and got ice cream after. After lunch me and gabby broke out our bikes and went for a nice ride to OB from PB...Again I think our inexperience of bike riding on streets showed just a tiny bit.. but we made it to PB and back with no serious injuries to us, or our bikes, or anyone else. Thank God. :) After our little bike adventure we make it back to ob and as we are driving away I see a sad little pup with a collar all by itself. Me being the animal activist I am pull over and try to coax the dog towards me, he was not having it, he bolted off as soon as I opened my door and I was so sad. This man saw what I was trying to do and gave me and gabby some cat food and rope to try and catch the pup. We searched and searched but he was long gone so hopefully he found his home... On this search of goodwill we stumbled upon a amazing secret garden which we hope to return to someday! After we left I met up with Erin and Liz and went to flood. It was really good tonight and Matt talked about the Kingdom of God and it was so full of hope and assurance. After that I was feeling really tired from the days adventures so me and Erin and Liz grabbed burritos from Santana's and we ate them and I came straight home. I don't even know why I am still up seeing as how I am so tired. But anyways, I like this whole writing my day out thing, it is kind of nice. Good practice for Europe! woop.
I was listening to Blowin' in the Wind today by Bob Dylan and my mom says to me,"you know, that was the first song I learned on guitar!" So in a dedication to my wonderful momma here it is for you listening enjoyment..
wow...sounds like a beautiful day dana! You guys must have had a blast!