It has been a good week so far. My teeth are healing pretty well from my wisdom teeth which I am really thankful for and I have gone back to work for a few days which is always good. Speaking of work I would like to introduce you to two people I have spent the hunk of my summer with...
This is debrah and she is from England and has told me a lot about her beautiful country!
and this is tony! If you ever have a opportunity to work in the physical plant with either of these people do it because it is pretty great.
Tomorrow is my last day of work and its such a crazy feeling that essentially I am taking a 5 month leave basically and leaving these wonderful people without a top notch secretary! ha Just kidding, but seriously.. :) But anyways I have been trying and am continueing to fill up my time with my family like crazy and throwing some solid friend time in there too, along with a mixture of the two. I am so glad everyone likes each other, it makes things so much easier. :) Anyways I am really tired so I will just leave you with some pictures from the week.
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